We operate a diversified farming program and annually produce over 8,000 tons of forage and grain commodities. Crops are rotated between alfalfa, barley, oats and forage mixes of oats and peas and varying hay crops. An active noxious weed program is in effect which assures a very high quality grain and hay commodity. Irrigation water is applied by flood and sprinklers and is carefully managed and balanced with wildlife requirements. Alfalfa provides three summer cuttings; and hay meadows will typically provide one cutting of high quality wild hay in July. Annually, approximately 3,000 tons of hay are available for sale. Retail hay is normally baled in 3-twine bales and stacked in 60 bale squeeze blocks – ready for transport. Feedlot hay is baled in round bales to minimize costs. Grain is typically planted in May and harvested in early September. Grain storage capacity is 2,800 tons. Soil samples are routinely collected on an annual basis and crops are rotated and supplemented to assure productive ground and good farming practices. Call Ed today at 541-280-1895 or email edsredmond@gmail.com for more information!
Stabb Ranches Hay and Grain Farming
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