Since 1888, the Adel Ranch has been continuously engaged in raising livestock including sheep, horses, and cattle. Since the 1940’s, black Angus cattle have been the primary breed raised in Adel. All cattle are produced in accordance with rigorous quality assurance standards including a full vaccination program with boosters, deworming, and mineral supplement. All cattle are individually identified and their performance is recorded and updated using the ranch’s computer data base. Calves are typically weaned in September at 500 to 600 pounds, and fed in the Adel feedlot to be sold in December/January at 700 to 800 pounds. We operate a fully licensed CAFO (Confined Area Feeding Operation) feedlot rated at 900 calves. Our daily ration used is chopped grass or grain hay roughage, chopped alfalfa, ground barley and a vitamin/mineral package blended to fit the owner’s requirements. Typically, we feed to meet the requirements for “Natural” beef value added programs. We routinely custom feed calves for other owners and provide full health care. Additionally, 200 to 300 Angus replacement heifers are retained and grown in this feed yard. These heifers are available for sale the following year as bred heifers. Call Ed today at 541-280-1895 or email for more information!
Stabb Ranches Cattle Feeding
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